
We strive to ensure that all complaints are dealt with immediately.

Description of the complaints procedure:

  1. The buyer can submit complaints regarding the concluded contract at the email address
  2. A correctly submitted complaint should include at least the following: name, surname, email address of the buyer, date of conclusion of the contract, which forms the basis of the complaint, subject of the complaint, indication of the buyer's request, all circumstances justifying the complaint.
  3. If the data or information contained in the complaint needs to be supplemented prior to reviewing the complaint, the store will ask the person submitting the complaint to complete it as specified.
  4. The store will respond to the complaint in the correct form immediately from the date of receipt. The response to the complaint will be sent to the email address provided by the buyer or to the traditional mailing address.
  5. If the implementation of a legitimate complaint involves sending a new product to the customer or removing violations, the store bears the shipping costs.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact with us.

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